My Iona

Commencement Ceremony Accommodations

Iona University makes every effort to ensure an accessible campus experience for our students and guests. Guests attending the Commencement ceremony and in need of accommodations are asked to complete the following form so we are best able to meet your needs.

For guests who are unable to attend the Commencement ceremony in person, there will be a livestream available which will include a captioned video feed and an event program that can be viewed from your mobile device. Both will be available at

On the day of the ceremony, we will have clear signage for our guests who have made accommodation requests via the form below. You will simply drive up to the designated area and we will be there to assist you.

Any questions on guest accommodations should be directed to

* Indicates required field 

Guest Information

* Accommodation Request(s)
Please check all that apply:

Graduate's Information