My Iona

Event Proposal Submission Form

Submission Information

As sponsors of an arts event, faculty, students, administrators and staff are invited to apply for financial support from the Council on the Arts.

To be considered, a proposal must :

  • Be co-sponsored by an Arts Council member;
    • Please contact the member prior to submitting the application. Only one faculty proposal per academic year will be considered. Additional proposals may be accepted for future semesters.
  • Include a completed events proposal submission form - available by emailing
    • Exhibit dates are at the discretion of the Council on the Arts Gallery Coordinator
  • Be submitted by Friday, April 11, 2025, at 5 p.m.

Arts Council members are willing and able to help any individual who is interested in developing a project. Please email with questions.

(As co-producer, you are willing and able to work to bring this event/exhibit to its successful completion.)

Please supply the following information:

Please forward supporting materials, if available, to or to Arts Council via campus mail.


All funding for an event must be included in proposal and is final. No additional funding will be considered after committee agrees to support a proposal.

3. PROJECTED ADMISSION CHARGE, ANTICIPATED INCOME (if any): (Ordinarily income from events is returned to Council on the Arts.)

Please obtain the sponsor's consent before attaching their name to your proposal.
Anti-spam code:

Please contact or (914) 633-2208 or call any Arts Council member with questions.